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Email templates for freelance writers

Save 5-10 hours each month with fill-in-the-blanks email templates for your freelance writing business

Get 10 email templates and a few bonuses for processing new leads, sending invoices, getting testimonials, and more

Spending hours every month to send and chase invoices?

What about answering to new leads and confirming your availability?

If you want to spend less time on email, you need solid templates. This template pack will make it easy to:

✅ Accept new leads and onboard clients

✅ Add leads to a waiting list when you're fully booked

✅ Decline leads that aren't a fit

✅ Send invoices and follow up with late payments

✅ Get testimonials and more work from happy clients

✅ Take time off

Templates come with fill-in-the-blank spots and tips to adjust them to your process.

Swipe the email templates that will save you hours each week

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