Data vault for freelance writers

A curated, growing database of 150+ reports and studies you can use in client content.

If you're tired of spending hours looking for the right statistic to quote, grab this database of fresh, original reports.

Get instant access for $50:
“The single tool that landed me a project that paid 2x my usual rate.”
Bani Kaur, B2B SaaS writer

Spotlight some important metrics to impress.

original reports
quotable statistics
published in 2021 or later

If you write for B2B and/or SaaS companies, I know you love statistics.

But quoting outdated or irrelevant stats in blog posts can make your client (and/or their readers!) doubt the entire article. It can devalue all your hard work and put your reputation as a freelance writer at risk.

I hear about this from writers all the time:

"Half the time I spend writing a blog post is just chasing down original sources for statistics"

"Statistic hunting is an extreme sport"

"I traced down a stat only to realize it's entirely made up"

"The pointless attempt to track down the real source of a statistic, only to end up at a 'page not found'"

If you ever spent an hour (or three) collecting your data, stats, and sources, only to find that...

• One statistic is linked to a post that rounds up statistics, but doesn't link to the original source (and you go through pages of Google search trying to trace it with no luck)
• Another source is making points based on a random whitepaper from 2010
A roundup of statistics called "latest [topic] statistics for 2021" article mentions a statistic from 2009 (or 2015, or any year that isn't current or last year)
• A statistic mentioned in a 2018 blog post is actually from a 1998 book (and you had to dig 7-8 layers deep to learn that)

...and if these are recurring themes in your article research process, the data vault is for you. ⬇️
"The data vault is a gem of a tool. It’s reliant, accurate, affordable, and always has the latest stats and studies — what more can a writer need? I highly recommend this tool to everyone!"
Juwaria Merchant, tech and business writer
"Y’all, this vault paid for itself the very first time I used it. It saved me hours of research and brainstorming. As a one-woman team, it quickly became one of my go-to tools."
Laura Bosco, B2B and ecommerce writer

Introducing: Data vault for freelance writers ⚡

What is the data vault?
Data vault is library of original studies, reports, and collections of statistics you can tap into when writing for your B2B and/or SaaS clients.

How does the data vault work?
It's a table hosted on Airtable with the full list of sources you can tap into. Each report/study on the list is categorized into one of 20+ broad categories (e.g. commerce, workplace, social media) and has a direct link to the report page or PDF, as well as the landing page.

This means you can review if a report is what you're looking for without having to sign up to download it (less than 10% of the reports are an exception because the PDF is directly downloaded to your computer, so there's no direct link).

Each report also has a word cloud entry, which makes it easy to find reports through the search function based on specific terms that might not be in its title or category. You can also filter and search for reports based on the year they were published.

Which categories and topics are covered in the data vault?
A range that will help writers in B2B, tech, SaaS, and similar areas. This includes: marketing, commerce (including retail and ecommerce), email marketing, content marketing, customer experience (CX), remote work, sales, project management, video marketing, influencer marketing, productivity, workplace, social media.

This list will grow as new relevant studies come out, as well as based on what those inside data vault—you!—mention as a necessary category or topic.

How many resources are inside the data vault?
There are currently over 150 reports and studies you can reference and quote. With time, this number will grow (and be double and triple to where it is right now).

The goal, of course, is to share genuinely fresh and relevant reports you can pull from, and the number of those is limited—but I won't stop until I bring you as many as humanly possible.

Each report introduces more than 30 statistics on average, so the data vault gives you access to 5,000+ statistics. 🤯

How old are the resources listed in the data vault?
With a few exceptions, resources in the data vault are published in 2021 or later.

How often is the data vault updated?
On average, there's a weekly update with several reports. At the end of each month, you'll receive an email with a list of resources added to the vault that month.

What's the price of the data vault?
Price of the data vault is a one-time payment of $50.
This gives you permanent access to the current database plus all future updates and additions to it.
Pricing Options

Start your article research from a single place.

You'll get a shortcut to all the best stats relevant to B2B, SaaS, and tech writers for a fraction of what you charge for a single blog post...

...and you can use the data vault for statistics in many blog posts to come.

100+ freelance writers are already in. Are you?

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